Recently, the Golden Nugget Casino in Las Vegas hosted the MS Charity Poker Tournament, an event dedicated to supporting the Montel Williams MS Foundation. Organized by Montel Williams, the tournament took place at the casino’s pavilion and marked the beginning of a series of charitable poker events known as "The Grand."
Event Details
Venue and Hosts
- Location: Golden Nugget Casino, Pavilion
- Host: Montel Williams
- Charity Beneficiary: Montel Williams MS Foundation
Tournament Overview
- Participants: 60 players
- Entry Fee: $1,080 per player, donated to the charity
- Notable Professionals: Phil Laak, Jamie Gold, Jennifer Tilly, among others
A highlight of the evening was a significant donation to the Montel Williams MS Foundation. The Poker Operations Manager presented a $25,000 donation, a gesture that deeply moved Montel Williams.
Tournament Results
First Winner
- Name: Matthew May
- Age: 29
- Hometown: London, England
- Prize: $8,400
Matthew May, who was vacationing in the U.S., decided to try his luck at the Golden Nugget Casino and emerged as the first-place winner after six hours of play.
Montel Williams' Mission Against MS
Montel Williams, having met many people diagnosed with MS, has been a dedicated ambassador in the fight against the disease. His foundation focuses on researching new treatments and making them accessible to everyone. Montel is committed to exploring every avenue until a cure is found. For more information about the Montel Williams MS Foundation, visit