A Player’s Story: Keno is All About Luck

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Keno is All About Luck

The following player story was submitted by "GooseNeck." It makes us wonder whether he or she really has a long neck or is a nod to the tube in Keno that resembles a goose's neck used to draw balls out of the bowl...

Online Keno is a game of luck. It is like a lottery and bingo in one. Because the rules are simple, it is one of the easiest gambling games to play in a real casino or online. Perhaps this is also why people of all ages, from teenagers to old people, enjoy this game. In fact, it was my Nana who taught me everything about Keno some ten years ago, and we still play Keno every week, me and my Nana.

The rules on how to play keno are the same rules of the land based casinos. Once you learn the basics you are on your way to winning. The basic principle to play keno is the following. There are 80 numbers on the keno board. The goal is to predict how many of the 20 numbers that are drawn each round can you find. In this online game the computer has an rng (random number generator) and it randomly chooses the numbers.

You must choose first how many numbers you think you can possibly find between 1-10 and then you choose the numbers. For example, let’s say we want to find 5 numbers. We choose our 5 lucky numbers and the game begins. 20 balls are drawn. Let’s say we find 4 of the 5 we chose. We make a profit. It may sound complicated but it isn’t at all. It is very simple.

Online Keno stakes vary from bets of $1, $3 and $5. I suggest playing the highest stake and choosing more than 6 numbers if you want serious profit. Now, you don’t have to be a mathematician, and you don’t need to have a brain to play keno.

All you need is some luck!

Written and submitted by Gooseneck

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