Slot Machine Myths

Expert in online casino reviews

If you want to succeed at online slots, it's important to be aware of some common myths that can confuse players. A solid online slots strategy that avoids these myths won't necessarily guarantee you'll win, but it can enhance and prolong your gaming experience.
Myth 1: Lucky Machines
No casino games, including slots, are inherently "luckier" than others. However, some slots may have higher payout rates than others. This means that the online casino programs the machines to pay out at a specific rate. If one machine pays out 90% of the money it takes in and another pays out 80%, the first machine could be considered "luckier" because it pays out more. But if two machines have equal payout rates, it doesn't matter which one you play.
Myth 2: Progressive Jackpots are Won Through Team Play
While having two players both going for the same progressive jackpot may make it twice as likely for them to hit it, they'll likely end up splitting the jackpot, so your odds of hitting a progressive jackpot through team play won't really change.
Myth 3: The More Coins You Play the More You Can Win
This is true to a certain extent. However, if your machine doesn't offer a progressive jackpot for playing the maximum coins, you may choose to play one or two coins at a higher limit than five coins at a lower limit, because the odds tend to be better for the player at the higher limit machines. But if there is a progressive jackpot, you should always play the maximum coins because it's the only way to qualify for the jackpot.